Abstract algebra

Results: 10818

931Algebra / Abstract algebra / Ring theory / Galois theory / Lie groups / Algebraic number theory / Class field theory / Field theory / Schur multiplier / Galois group / Lie algebra / Field

Nilpotent Class Field Theory Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades doctor rerum naturalium (Dr. rer.nat.) im Fach Mathematik

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Source URL: edoc.hu-berlin.de

Language: English - Date: 2009-10-31 18:16:35

The Arithmetic-Algebra Connection: A Historical-Pedagogical Perspective K. Subramaniam and Rakhi Banerjee Abstract The problem of designing a teaching learning approach to symbolic algebra in the middle school that uses

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Language: English - Date: 2014-09-29 10:12:54
    933Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Equations / Algebraic structures / Polynomials / Field theory / Galois theory / variste Galois / Field / Algebraic equation / Group

    Results from MathSciNet: Mathematical Reviews on the Web c Copyright American Mathematical Society12F10 Bewersdorff, J¨

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    Source URL: www.galois-theorie.de

    Language: English - Date: 2005-11-07 00:40:30
    934Algebra / Mathematics / Abstract algebra / Group theory / Combinatorics / Order / Divisor / Difference set / Multiplier / Ring / Algebraic number field / Arithmetic function

    A Multiplier Theorem Ka Hin Leung Department of Mathematics National University of Singapore Kent Ridge, SingaporeRepublic of Singapore

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    Source URL: www.ntu.edu.sg

    Language: English - Date: 2013-09-23 22:09:35
    935Computability theory / Theory of computation / Mathematics / Theoretical computer science / Mathematical analysis / Computable function / Sigma-algebra / Generalised Whitehead product

    Ramsey-type graph coloring and diagonal non-computability Ludovic Patey Abstract A function is diagonally non-computable (d.n.c.) if it diagonalizes against the universal partial computable function. D.n.c. functions pla

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    Source URL: ludovicpatey.com

    Language: English - Date: 2015-01-27 11:28:33
    936Mathematics / Algebra / Abstract algebra / Ring theory / Algebraic number theory / Commutative algebra / Integer factorization algorithms / Greatest common divisor / Euclidean algorithm / Unique factorization domain / Factorization / Gaussian integer

    Introduction to Number Theory Supplement on Gaussian Integers Spring 2016 Last Updated: April 10, 2016 This is a brief supplemental note on the Gaussian integers, written for my

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    Source URL: davidlowryduda.com

    Language: English - Date: 2016-04-10 04:24:41
    937Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Exponentials / Exponentiation / IP / Polynomials / Invariant theory / Ring theory

    On large subsets of Fn3 with no three-term arithmetic progression Jordan S. Ellenberg University of Wisconsin-Madison 12 May 2016 Abstract

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    Source URL: quomodocumque.files.wordpress.com

    Language: English - Date: 2016-05-13 18:24:27
    938Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Finite groups / Group theory / Lie groups / Morphisms / Projective geometry / Automorphism / XTR / PSL / Representation theory

    AUTOMORPHISMS OF FUSION SYSTEMS OF SPORADIC SIMPLE GROUPS BOB OLIVER Abstract. We prove here that with a very small number of exceptions, when G is a sporadic simple group and p is a prime such that the p-fusion system o

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    Source URL: www.math.univ-paris13.fr

    Language: English - Date: 2016-04-20 06:47:04
    939Algebra / Abstract algebra / Group theory / Finite groups / Sylow theorems / P-group / Group extension / Automorphism / Abelian group / PSL / Center / Group of Lie type

    AUTOMORPHISMS OF FUSION SYSTEMS OF FINITE SIMPLE GROUPS OF LIE TYPE CARLES BROTO, JESPER M. MØLLER, AND BOB OLIVER Abstract. For a finite group G of Lie type and a prime p, we compare the automorphism groups of the fusi

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    Source URL: www.math.univ-paris13.fr

    Language: English - Date: 2016-01-18 09:42:56
    940Algebra / Mathematics / Abstract algebra / Polytopes / Lie groups / Lie algebras / Algebraic geometry / Ehrhart polynomial / Valuation / Lattice / Distribution / Weight

    COMPUTING THE EHRHART QUASI-POLYNOMIAL OF A RATIONAL SIMPLEX Alexander Barvinok April 2005 We present a polynomial time algorithm to compute any fixed number of the highest

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    Source URL: www.math.lsa.umich.edu

    Language: English - Date: 2005-04-28 13:33:02